Wednesday 18 July 2012


Inventor: Honda Engineers
Company: Honda
Timeline: 1980s - current
Structure: Humanoid
Mobility: Walk, Slow Run

ASIMO, the once considered most technological advanced robots announced to the world in year 2000 that awe mankind. Till now, ASIMO is still considered one of the best robots but HONDA is still not mass selling the robots. It cost a whopping million of dollars to own ASIMO. So, what does HONDA wants to do with ASIMO?

ASIMO is in humanoid form with 2 legs able to walk and run. With some build in intelligent, ASIMO has object recognition and able to interact with human.

I wonder when ASIMO can be in my living room doing the house cleaning and cooking for me... And I guess other robots may end up in my living room one day instead of ASIMO. With the right pricing and sound ability to clean and cook, I'll want to have ASIMO.

ASIMO invention has gone through a long journey and see the evolutions:

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