Sunday 22 July 2012


Inventor: Dr. Huosheng Hu
Institute: University of Essex
Timeline: 2005 - current
Structure: Fish
Mobility: Swimming

There has been a lot of robotic fish, but this is the best creation which is an autonomous fish robot. The flish swim like a natural fish in it's own environment. Dr. Huosheng Hu radical idea is to have a data gathering robotic fish that can measure pollution levels in the worl's bodies of water. However, this fish can do more than that. Here are some other possibility which robofish can achieved:
- Understand fish behaviour put the algorithm into the robofish. It could be any type of fish that swim in the aquarium.
- Robofish can be used in the big aquarium as to detect any unusual activity or chemicals
- Robofish can be use to identify sharks lurking around Australia as to save the surfers life
- To be use as a scientific research on marine creatures as to understand the creatures behaviour. Wonder whether marine creatures mind a spy fish.
- To be use as a surveillance fish to capture people dirtying the river

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